Thursday, September 13, 2018

Feeling great that the Diva is back!

Sharing something old and something new!

Catching up on old IAST challenges! This was IAST #251 featuring Stix. 

IAST #256!


Also feeling great that the Diva is back sharing her challenges! 

Diva Challenge #366 - back to basics!

printemps.hollibough.knightsbridge.crescent moon.flux.tipple.florz

I really enjoyed the back to basics tile - and i forced myself to use a "basic" tangle that I've always avoided - crescent moon. Yes don't laugh... Crescent moon. 

So in the same spirit, I moved Crescent moon into this week's challenge. 
Diva Challenge #367 feat 'nzeppel. 

crescent moon.flux.tipple.'nzeppel.printemps.paradox


  1. Lovely tile for the diva with a nice flow and I like your beautiful coloured Zendalatiles very much!

    1. Thank you! The zendala backgrounds were done with Sakura Koi Watercolour markers. Easy, good fun and am pleased with the outcome. Do give them a go if you haven't!

  2. I like the symmetry in that one on the lower right.

  3. Beautiful tiles all of them! Sorry, I did laugh at your not liking to use crescent moon! ;)

    1. I have no idea why I have an issue with crescent moon! But I need to overcome it! (sooner or later...) =)


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