Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Inky Stripes

I was kinda mind-blown when I read this week's Diva Challenge and browsed the links to striping. I loved what Margaret Brenner did here! I clearly underestimated the tangle! I never knew you could do so much with striping!

So with my new Sakura Pigma PN (MWAHAHAHAHA the local stores didn't have it yet but my sister ordered some for me online - my sister and online shopping FTW🎉!)... 

I need to work on my light and shadows but I don't think it's half bad. I will never think of striping the same way again! 

[Mini review: the PN is very very smooth which is awesome and doesn't really leave indentations in the paper. When I have a new micron somethings the corners of the "tuft" make lines a little irregular and have a slightly jarring tactile response but not with the PN. The downside is that the line weight is clearly thicker than that of the Micron so fine line work involves playing with pen pressure. All in all, I love the PNs 😀 and will treasure and enjoy the few PNs that my sister bought (while hoping that they hit local stores soon!)😍]

Also sharing my Inktober days 6 to 9! 


As well as my last IAST submission!


[Mini review: I did this one with the Sakura Pigma Pen (aka the apprentice pen). The ink is very similar to that of the Micron. Tip width wise it's definitely thicker than a Micron 01 and I suspect,  also thicker than the PN (but I could be wrong). It seems to tend to "fluff" a little (like pick up micro-fibres from the paper after prolonged drawing) but thankfully not to an extent that it leaves a blot on the paper. Whilst it's supposed to be a cheaper option to the Micron, in my case cost-wise it was more or less the same, since I ordered them online and they had to be shipped to me. To be honest / fair, Microns are not particularly expensive where I'm from. In case you are in my neck of the woods and want to order some, I got them here.] 


  1. I really love what you did with Striping! The composition and the contrast of this tile is great :-)
    Also like your Inktober days tiles.
    Greetings from germany,

    1. Thank you for the kind comments and thank you for dropping by all the way from Germany!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! Credit should however be going to CZT Margaret Brenner for amazing instructions!

  3. The composition of the Striping tile is fantastic!

  4. Where is "here"? I'm thinking, somewhere in a British Commonwealth Country (or Ireland) since you spell color, with a "u". Your Striping tile is great. It's fun to see all the movement and depth you produce with such a simple tangle.

    1. Greetings from sunny Singapore :) small island in SE Asia, former British colony. :) Thank you for your kind comments and for dropping by!

  5. Love your tile for the Striping challenge.


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